Season 3 Welcome Back: Faith & Addie on Theories of Change, Trail Running, and Climate Conversations
Welcome back to Season 3 of The Trail Ahead, hosted by Faith E. Briggs & Addie Thompson.
In this episode they reflect on why bringing together their multiplicities of identity is essential to their theory of change - which is (clumsily) that with a multi-racial dialogue that seeks to amplify the voices on the frontlines of environmental justice they can encourage more people to fall in love with the natural world and aim to protect it. They discuss the potential flaws in this theory, how it has changed, how much they are learning and where they go from here. While Addie and Faith originally met through trailrunning, they bonded through their passions. Faith is a documentary filmmaker with a background in representation and a focus on identity politics. Addie's road to stories is grounded in work that has been a mix of climate policy and environmental grantmaking. It is at this intersection where these conversations live. This episode reflects on previous seasons and gives some sneak peeks on the kind of conversations coming down the road.
Theme music is "All is Forgiven" from the band Alekesam and the Album Sound Proof Heart.
This episode is sponsored by Subaru, learn more on social via @subaru_usa.
Additional music comes from Track Club by Marmoset.
Other links, orgs, and folks mentioned in this episode are:
Rising Hearts: An Indigenous led grassroots organization committed to the heart work in elevating indigenous voices, promoting, and supporting intersectional collaborative efforts across all forms of movements in cultivating community with the goals of racial, social, climate and economic justice.
Rising Hearts' Running on Native Lands program that aims to make land acknowledgements at trail AND road race events a common and inclusive practice and encourages those who become a partner to go the extra mile by giving back to the communities which the land is borrowed from.
Link to This Land
Jade Begay, Policy & Advocacy Director at @ndncollective and member of the Enviro Justice Advisory Council at the white house, on TWITTER